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Center for Global Programs and Studies Scholarships
To be considered for study abroad scholarships awarded through Wake Forest’s Center for Global Programs and Studies, complete the appropriate form below. Students will be considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible. Scholarships are awarded based on need and/or merit, major area of study, and location of study. All students are encouraged to apply.
To learn more about study abroad costs and financial aid, visit the Funding Page.
Semester Scholarship Application
By Submitting the above, students will be considered for the following scholarships:
- Anne Lindsay Sanford Study Abroad Scholarship Established by alumna Anne Lindsay Sanford, this fund provides financial support for study abroad to undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. Preference is given to students majoring in health-oriented sciences and other science-based disciplines.
- Casa Artom Fund for Italian Studies Scholarships are made available to one or two students each semester who will be participating in the WFU program in Venice. Well-qualified students who can demonstrate need are eligible to apply.
- Chamberlain-Resnick Scholarship for Business Students Abroad
Established by Sarah Chamberlain of Alexandria, Virgnina, this scholarship provides scholarship support for students enrolled in or accepted into the WFU School of Business who are studying abroad. - David Hadley/Worrell House Scholarship Fund (London) Awarded on the basis of need to undergraduate students participating in the Wake Forest programs in London, England.
- Hubert Humphrey Studies Abroad Scholarship: Casa Artom (Venice) Awarded on the basis of need and merit to undergraduate students participating in the Wake Forest programs in Venice, Italy.
- Hubert Humphrey Studies Abroad Scholarship: Flow House (Vienna) Awarded on the basis of need and merit to undergraduate students participating in the Wake Forest programs in Vienna, Austria.
- Hubert Humphrey Studies Abroad Scholarship: Worrell House (London) Awarded on the basis of need and merit to undergraduate students participating in the Wake Forest programs in London, England.
- Ivy Hixson Fund Awarded on the basis of need and merit to provide assistance to undergraduate students studying in the WFU Worrell House program in London.
- Scales International Studies Scholarship Established in honor of Dr. James R. Scales, this scholarship is available to students with outstanding academic ability who study abroad on an approved credit-bearing program.
- Lampros-Smith Study Abroad Scholarship
Established by Dr. Penny Lampros and Mr. Barry Smith of Roanoke, Virgnina, this scholarship provides financial assistance for undergraduate students to offset the costs associated with study abroad. Preference in awarding is given to students with demonstrated financial need. - Lowell and Anne Tillett Eastern European Scholarship Funds given for study in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia and other countries in the former Soviet Union whose culture and language are Slavic-based. Preference given to programs of two to three months in duration.
- The Hamilton Family Fund for International Studies Established by Margaret and Joe Hamilton, this fund provides study abroad scholarships, for students with financial need, to aid the cost of travel, incidentals, and other special expenditures unique to study abroad programs.
- WFU Study Abroad Scholarship Awards range from $1,000 to $2,000. To be eligible students must (1) study abroad on a WFU-sponsored program or an approved Affiliate program; (2) receive academic credit while abroad; (3) be fully enrolled; and (4) be an undergraduate while studying abroad. Students may only receive this scholarship once. Students may apply for the scholarship before being accepted to a study abroad program.
Summer Scholarships
Summer Access Scholarship
Awards up to $5,000 to students who receive have demonstrated financial need. Students must participate in a WFU Summer Program. Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis and are intended to make summer study abroad more accessible to WFU students. Deadline is February 1. Late applications will not be accepted. For more information, contact Janice Claybrook, Associate Director of Global Study Away: Operations & Strategic Initiatives,
Summer Study Abroad Scholarship
Awards typically range between $500 to $2,500 for students who receive financial aid. Student must participate in a WFU Summer Program. Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis and are intended to make summer study abroad more accessible to WFU students. Deadline is February 1. Late applications will not be accepted. For more information, contact Janice Claybrook, Associate Director of Global Study Away: Operations & Strategic Initiatives,
Short-term Scholarship
Short Term Program Scholarship
Awards up to $5,000 for students who receive financial aid. Students must participate in a WFU Short-Term Program. Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis and are intended to make short-term study abroad more accessible to WFU students. Deadline is December 1. Late applications will not be accepted. For more information, contact Janice Claybrook, Associate Director of Global Study Away: Operations & Strategic Initiatives,

Wake Forest University Scholarships
There are additional study abroad scholarship opportunities for WFU students to consider that are not administered by the WFU Center for Global Programs and Studies. For more information about these scholarships, contact Jackie Sheridan, Wake Forest Scholars Program director ( or visit the Wake Forest Scholars website.
The Lindmor Scholars Fund provides annual financial assistance to undergraduate majors and minors in the Department for the Study of Religions to participate in trips to developing nations. Examples of support include service learning trips, study abroad, and summer internships. Support from the fund may be used for travel and travel related expenses, or scholarships for tuition. Deadline for Fall is March 15. Deadline for Spring is Sept. 15.
Awards of $2,000 made to students participating in programs at a European University with a foreign language component. Applications for this scholarship may be obtained from the WFU Financial Aid Office (04 Reynolda Hall).
Funds provide scholarship support for undergraduate students who are majors in Biology, Chemistry, Health & Exercise Science, Mathematics/Computer Science, or Physics, who have career objectives in medicine or science-related fields that require human service, and who also wish to take non-required academic work in the humanities. The support is to enable the student(s) to enhance and increase their humanitarian and ethical awareness. Proposals must come from science majors who are competitive for medical school entry and who intend to study the humanities abroad. Applications are usually due in late February/early March. For more information, click this link.
These scholarships provide support for five students and faculty each year who collaborate on a community-related research project (most likely during the summer months).
The Sullivan Scholarship is awarded through the Biology department for students who intend to do a field-based summer or short term program abroad. BIO majors and minors receive priority but it is open to all majors. Most awards are from $1,000-$2,500.
Scholarships of up to $2,000 are awarded to qualified students (rising sophomores, juniors and seniors) for intensive language study in Germany or Austria. Students must have completed German 153 by the time they go abroad. Awards are given for the following, in order of priority: 1) summer language study, 2) supplemental aid for a semester or year abroad with IES, or 3) supplemental aid for junior year abroad with any other program. Applications are available in October from the German department office. The deadline for the Sanders Scholarship is the Monday after Thanksgiving break.
Established in 1991 by a gift from the family and friend’s of Dr. William Royall and his son Dr. William B. Royal, this scholarship provides an award of $500.00 for excellence in classical studies, with preference given to students who plan to travel abroad to classical sites. For more information and application forms, contact the Department of Classical Languages, Tribble Hall B6.
Outside Scholarships
The Lord Acton Memorial Scholarship will provide a deserving study abroad student with financial support to pursue academic study in the United Kingdom. The £1,000 merit-based scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of the value of an international educational experience and who agrees to share with AASAP/UK members the ways in which the scholarship has helped to fulfill academic and personal ambitions.
The Boren Scholarships are available to students who study in critical world areas such as Africa, Asia (China and Japan), Eastern and Central Europe, Latin and South America and the Middle East. There must be a strong language component in the student’s program. Science, political science, history, business and economics majors are especially encouraged to apply. Awards may be as large as $8,000 for a semester. Interested students should contact the Center for Global Programs and Studies at (336) 758-5938.
The Bridging Project offers scholarships to American undergraduate students participating in study abroad programs in Japan and majoring in any field of study. Recipients will receive stipends of $2,500 or $4,000, depending on the length of their study abroad program in Japan. Funding is made possible from private foundations and major U.S. corporations through donations to the nonprofit US-Japan Bridging Foundation. Applications are accepted twice a year for Bridging Scholarships.
The United States Department of State offers scholarships for overseas intensive summer language institutes in thirteen critical need foreign languages. The Critical Language Scholarship Program provides fully-funded group-based intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten weeks for U.S. citizen undergraduate and graduate students. Students may apply for one language and will be placed at institute sites based on language evaluations after selection. Languages offered: Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Turkish, and Urdu.
This scholarship is designed to assist women of color who are exceptional in their studies and need financial assistance to study abroad. DIWC will award (5) $500 scholarships to women of color who have been accepted to summer study abroad programs.
FEA is expanding access to study abroad by raising awareness of its benefits to the individual and value to the collective, and by granting scholarships of up to $10,000. Applicants from groups underrepresented in study abroad and those destined for non-traditional locations are given preference, in an effort to make the demographics of U.S. undergraduates studying abroad reflect the rich diversity of the U.S. population. Scholarships are considered for both semester and summer programs that include at least 4 weeks of study.
The Gilman Scholarship is a scholarship for Pell-eligible students.
Founded under the International Academic Opportunity Act of 2000, this congressionally-funded program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by the Institute of International Education. The program aims to encourage students to choose nontraditional study abroad destinations, especially those outside of Western Europe and Australia and aims to support students who have been traditionally underrepresented in study abroad. This includes, but is not limited to, students with high financial need, community college students, students in underrepresented fields such as the sciences and engineering, students with diverse ethnic backgrounds, students with disabilities, and students of nontraditional age.
The Gilman Scholarship provides awards of up to $5,000 for U.S. citizen undergraduate students at two- and four-year institutions to pursue country-based undergraduate opportunities abroad of up to one academic year. To be eligible, students must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant at the time of application and cannot be studying abroad in a country currently under a U.S. Department of State Travel Warning or in Cuba.
Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (Freeman-ASIA) provides scholarships for U.S. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia. Please refer to the program website in early January for further updates.
Richter Scholarships of up to $6,000 are available for competitive independent study or research projects, requiring travel away from Winston-Salem, for undergraduate and graduate students. International projects are especially encouraged. Each student will be required to have a faculty mentor for the project. Copies of the final reports/artistic presentation will be forwarded to the Trustees for the Richter Funds.
Turkish Coalition of America (TCA), is a Washington, DC-based nonprofit that aims to foster a better understanding of U.S.-Turkey relations and Turkish Americans here in the U.S. Eligible students will receive between $500 and $2,000. Since 2007, these scholarships have subsidized the cost of study abroad for students who are traditionally underrepresented in study abroad programs. Applications are considered on a rolling basis for eligible students attending study abroad programs of any length of time in Turkey, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.